Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Thoughts and Emotions

So this blog is about Jon, but I want to share my thoughts and feelings too for a few reasons. One, because Jon and I were very similar, we both suffer from depression and PTSD, for different reasons obviously. I have had anxiety my whole life, but stressful times bring it out pretty bad, when Jon passed away almost 3 months ago now, I have had extremely uncontrollable panic attacks, and my depression comes and goes. I would really love for people to share their thoughts with me on here, on what brings on their anxiety, or what helps them, or what makes them sad, and what makes that better, mostly because I know how much it helps me to talk to other people, and know that you aren't alone, I know I say that a lot, but it's one of the biggest things that's helped me, is meeting other people who struggle everyday with anxiety, or depression, it helps you to feel like you aren't crazy, and there's other people who are either going through it currently, or have gone through it one point in their life. 

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